
Yes. So it was mentioned a few days ago and I’ve been ruminating on it, and today one of my most avid readers said that I needed to write the sequel to That Cold Montana Wind. In the (very few) hours since she said that, i’ve had some truly startling plot ideas. The pieces are faling into place amazingly well and I can’t wait to get off work and get home to start writing!  My muse is working over time. And yes, i’m going to kill off a character in the sequel. Comments anyone?

That Cold Montana Wind-Coming Soon

Alright, so it’s been edited and I’m doing the final read-through. Here is the summary. What do you think??


Reopening her father’s hunting business has been a lifelong dream for Fallyn MacPhearson, never mind that she doesn’t even know where her father is these days. But her dream is starting to come true, and when winter hits and hunting season begins, she’ll bring her dream to fruition.

Sheriff Jade Taggart is curious about the reopening of the hunting camp, and when he finds out the truth he’s even more interested. Intrigued by the woman running the place, and the curious disappearance of her father, he launches an investigation.

Fallyn soon finds herself in the middle of a not-so-missing person’s case, and far too involved with  the handsome Sheriff. But when the truth is revealed, will life ever return to normal? Or will the very ideas she’s grown up with be shaken forever? And is change always a bad thing?

Thoughts while brooding…

So plans this weekend fell through. My first honest-to-goodness weekend off in recent history. So while eating a bowl of cookie-dough-bites that my sister made (they’re delicious, and taste just like cookie dough, without all that icky risk of the raging shits from raw eggs) I got to thinking.

I’ve published a novel. I’ve finished the next one. I’m in the editing process. My life doesn’t COMPLETELY suck, right? Yeah, I’m disappointed, but once I clock out tomorrow, I have two whole days to go wear a bikini and lay by the lake and let the sunshine and water wash everything away. So it’s not the ocean. It’s a crappy lake in eastern Montana. But in a pinch, it’ll do.

So that said, I’ve got the second novel finished, and I really am working on editing it. Yes, I’m also getting to the point where I never ever want to read it again, but I’m pushing through. I’m also working on two new novels. Undoubtedly one will probably bomb before I finish, but I’m still writing.

In summary, publication, cookie dough, editing, work in progress, sunshine, and yeah, things don’t suck so bad.

For those of you wondering what the next one’s going to be, I’ve finished “That Cold Montana Wind” and I’ve edited most of it, just waiting on my editor to get back with me. Since she has a full-time real job, I wait patiently. No big deal. At least I’m selling copies of the first one, right? Right. Doesn’t mean that a lot of characters aren’t going to die unnecessarily in one of my novels, but that’s how a writer takes out their frustrations. And I really can’t be responsible if the dead people look like certain real-life people. Just coincidence, I assure you. 😉

I’ll post cover pic of the new novel, along with a summary, hopefully tomorrow night or Saturday morning.

So What’s Next?

The question I’m hearing the most (okay, so right after “can I have a free copy?”) is “So when will your next one be out?” Well, the truth is, I have several finished. But what’s a good follow-up novel? After one cheesy chic-lit, what’s a good genre to show what I really write? I mean, it’s not such an easy question. I’m looking at two days off, and I might be able to answer that question. Hopefully. Either one of my WIPs or something I’ve finished, I’m going to try to figure that out tonight and see where we go from there. To my editors/test readers: Get ready! Prepare to be bombarded!


Well I’m going to have my paperback copies in hand on Thursday. Can’t wait to hold them (and smell them!). Love the way a new book smells. Glad at least a few people are looking at it, as well, as evidenced by the views on my ebook link. 🙂


On this website, you will find the first chapter of my new novel, and yes I’m looking for reviews. Don’t be harsh. If you don’t read this genre, don’t judge me. If you like it, please let me know, we can all use encouragement. You will also find a book I wrote about two years ago, to give you a better idea of what I normally write. Kinda. Anyhow, please feel free to read, to contact me, or to leave comments. Thanks!
